December 15, 2018
(Member Name)
Form 1 is a special purpose report that includes financial statements and schedules, and is to be prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), except as prescribed by the Corporation. Each Member must complete and file all of these statements and schedules.
Prescribed IFRS departure
Trading balances
When reporting trading balances relating to Member and client securities and other investment transactions, the Corporation allows the netting of receivables from and payables to the same counterparty.
Preferred shares
Preferred shares issued by the Member and approved by the Corporation are classified as shareholders’ capital.
Statements A and D contain terms and classifications (such as allowable and non-allowable assets) that are not defined under IFRS. In addition, specific balances may be classified or presented on Statements A, D and E in a manner that differs from IFRS requirements. The General Notes and Definitions, and the applicable Notes and Instructions to the Statements, should be followed in those instances where departures from IFRS presentation exists.
Statements B, C and F are supplementary financial information, which are not statements contemplated under IFRS.
Separate financial statements on a non-consolidated basis
Consolidation of subsidiaries is not permitted for regulatory reporting purposes except for related companies that meet the definition of “related Member” in MFDA By-law No. 1 and the Corporation has approved the consolidation.
Because Statement D only reflects the operational results of the Member, a Member must not include the income (loss) of an investment accounted for by the equity method.
Statement of cash flow
A statement of cash flow is not required as part of Form 1.
Securities are to be valued and reported at “market value of securities”.
Prescribed accounting treatment
Hedge accounting
Hedge accounting is not permitted for regulatory reporting purposes. All security and derivative positions of a Member must be marked-to-market at the reporting date. Gains or losses of the hedge positions must not be deferred to a future point in time.
Securities owned and sold short as held-for-trading
A Member must categorize all investment positions as held-for-trading financial instruments. These security positions must be marked-to-market.
Because the Corporation does not permit the use of available for sale and hold-to-maturity categories, a Member must not include other comprehensive income (OCI) and will not have a corresponding reserve account relating to marking-to-market available for sale security positions.
Valuation of a subsidiary
A Member must value subsidiaries at cost.
I/We have examined the attached statements and schedules and certify that, to the best of my/our knowledge, they present fairly the financial position and capital of the Member at and the results of operations for the period then ended, and are in agreement with the books of the Member.
I/We certify that the following information is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge for the period from the last audit to the date of the attached statements which have been prepared in accordance with the current requirements of the Corporation:
Do the attached statements fully disclose all assets and liabilities including the following:
Does the Member promptly segregate clients’ cash and securities in accordance with the Rules and Policies?
Does the Member determine on a regular basis its segregation amount and act promptly to segregate assets as appropriate in accordance with the Rules and Policies?
Does the Member carry insurance of the type and in the amount required by the Rules and Policies?
Does the Member monitor on a regular basis its adherence to early warning requirements in accordance with the Rules and Policies?
Does the Member perform regular reconciliations of its trust accounts in accordance with the Rules and Policies?
Does the Member perform regular reconciliations of its transactions with fund company and other financial institution records in accordance with the Rules and Policies?
Does the Member have adequate internal controls in accordance with the Rules and Policies?
Does the Member maintain adequate books and records in accordance with the Rules and Policies?
Where there is only one individual that meets the qualifications of the positions listed above, this individual must sign the certificate.
To: Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada and MFDA Investor Protection Corporation
We have audited the Statements of Form 1 of (the Member), which comprise:
Statement A — Statements of financial position as at and
Statement D — Statements of income and comprehensive income for the years ended and
Statement E — Statements of changes in capital for the year ended and changes in retained earnings (or undivided profits) for the years ended and and notes to the Statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies (collectively referred to as the Statements). In our opinion, the accompanying Statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Member as at and , and the results of its operations for the years then ended in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of the Notes and Instructions to Form 1 prescribed by the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada.
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Member in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the Statements in Canada, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
We draw attention to Note to the Statements which describes the basis of accounting.
The Statements are prepared to assist the Member in complying with the financial reporting provisions of the Notes and Instructions to Form 1 prescribed by the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada. As a result, the Statements may not be suitable for another purpose. Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
We draw attention to Note in the Statements which indicates that [insert key events and conditions that resulted in the material uncertainty]. As stated in Note in the Statements, these events and conditions, along with other matters as set forth in Note in the Statements, indicate that a material uncertainty exists that may cast significant doubt on the Member’s ability to continue as a going concern. Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
We have not audited the information in Schedule 5 of Part II of Form 1 and accordingly, do not express an opinion on the schedule.
Our report is intended solely for the Member, the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada and the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation and should not be used by parties other than the Member, the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada and the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation.
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the Statements in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of the Notes and Instructions to Form 1 prescribed by the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of Statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the Statements, management is responsible for assessing the Member’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Member or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Member’s financial reporting process.
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these Statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
[Audit Firm]
Signature of the name of the audit firm:
[Auditor Address]
Statement B – Statements of risk adjusted capital as at and
Statement C – Statement of early warning excess as at
Statement F – Statement of changes in subordinated loans for the year ended (collectively referred to as the Statements).
In our opinion, the accompanying Statement B as at and , Statement C as at and Statement F for the year ended are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of the Notes and Instructions to Form 1 prescribed by the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada.
Management is responsible for the preparation of the Statements in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of the Notes and Instructions to Form 1 prescribed by the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of Statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
A measure of uniformity in the form of the auditor’s reports is desirable in order to facilitate identification of circumstances where the underlying conditions are different. Therefore, when auditors are able to express an unqualified opinion, their reports should take the form of the auditor’s reports shown above.
Any limitations in the scope of the audit must be discussed in advance with the Corporation. Discretionary scope limitations will not be accepted. Any emphasis of matter in the auditor’s reports must be discussed in advance with the Corporation.
Two copies with original signatures must be provided to the Corporation.
Members are required to use the accrual basis of accounting.
Allowable assets are those assets which, due to their nature, location or source, are either readily convertible into cash or from such creditworthy entities as to be allowed for capital purposes.
Line 4 – In the case of the salesperson’s portion of gross commissions or fees receivable, as recorded on lines 10 (Other receivables) and 20 (Other assets), to the extent that there is written documentation that the Member does not have a liability to pay the salesperson’s commission until it is received, the salesperson’s portion of the gross commission or fee receivable is an allowable asset.
Line 5 – Include amounts owed to the Member for the sale of nominee name client securities.
Line 8 – Include only overpayment of prior years’ income taxes or current year installments. Taxes recoverable due to current year losses may be included to the extent that they can be carried back and applied against taxes previously paid.
Line 9 – Include GST and HST receivables, capital tax, Part IV tax, sales and property taxes.
Line 11 – Include only to extent receivable from Acceptable Entities (for definition, see General Notes and Definitions) but do not include subordinated loans receivable from other Members which should be shown on line18.
Line 15 – Start-up and organizational costs cannot be capitalized. Examples of intangible assets include goodwill and client lists.
Line 17 – Assets arising from a finance lease (also known as a capitalized lease).
Line 18 – Receivables from related parties which are generated from trading activity can be reported as allowable assets if the criteria for such reporting is otherwise satisfied.
A Member must report non-trading inter-company receivables on a gross basis unless the criteria for netting are met.
Line 19 – Investments in subsidiaries and affiliates must be valued at cost.
Line 20 – Including but not limited to such items as:
Line 21 – Non-allowable assets mean those assets that do not qualify as allowable assets.
Line 26 – Includes amounts owed by the Member for the purchase of nominee name client securities.
Line 27 – Recognize a liability to cover specific expenditures relating to legal and constructive obligations. A Member cannot hold provisions as a general reserve to be applied against some other unrelated expenditure.
Line 30 – Include discretionary bonuses payable and bonuses payable to shareholders.
Line 32 – Include all other current liabilities excluding those reported on lines 38, 39 and 40.
Line 36 – Include all other non-current liabilities excluding those reported on lines 38, 39 and 40.
Line 40 – Subordinated loans mean approved loans, pursuant to an agreement in writing in a form satisfactory to the Corporation, obtained from a source approved by the Corporation, the payment of which is deferred in favour of other creditors and is subject to regulatory approval.
A Member must not pay a debt owed to any of its creditors contrary to any subordination or other agreement to which it and the Corporation are parties.
Line 44 – Reserve is an amount set aside for future use, expense, loss or claim. It includes an amount appropriated from retained earnings. It also includes accumulated other comprehensive income (OCI).
Line 45 – Retained earnings represent the accumulated balance of income less losses arising from the operation of the business, after taking into account dividends and other direct charges or credits.
For purposes of this capital calculation, all amounts owing to related parties must be reported as a deduction to risk adjusted capital.
Rule 3.1.1 requires the following minimum capital amounts:
Notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 3.1.1, a Member that is registered as an investment fund manager under securities legislation and is a Level 2 or 3 Dealer must maintain minimum capital of at least $100,000.
100% of the market value of securities must be provided in the case where client or firm securities are held at locations which do not qualify as acceptable securities locations (see General Notes and Definitions). Securities held by an entity with which the Member has not entered into a written custodial agreement as required by the By-laws and Rules of the Corporation shall be considered as being held at non-acceptable securities locations.
If the Member is guaranteeing the liability of another party, the total amount of the guarantee must be provided for in computing Risk Adjusted Capital.
The Member should maintain and retain the details of the margin calculations for guarantees for review by the Corporation.
Items are considered unresolved unless a journal entry to resolve the difference has been processed as of the Due Date of the Form 1.
This does not include journal entries writing off the difference to profit or loss in the period subsequent to the date of the Form 1.
Margin must be provided for adverse unresolved differences in nominee name accounts in an amount equal to the market value of the securities short plus the applicable margin rates related to the security. If the deficiency has not been resolved within thirty days of being discovered, the Member shall immediately purchase the securities that are short.
For nominee name accounts, where a mutual fund company or financial institution does not provide a monthly statement or electronic file confirming all of the Member firm’s positions, the Member shall provide margin equal to 100% of the market value of such mutual funds and other investment products held on behalf of clients.
All reconciliations must be properly documented and made available for review by Corporation staff and the Member’s auditor.
This item should include all margin requirements not mentioned above as outlined in the By-laws and Rules of the Corporation.
(current year) C$
The early warning system is designed to provide advance warning of a Member encountering financial difficulties. It will anticipate capital shortages and/or liquidity problems and encourage Members to build a capital cushion.
Line 2 – Other allowable assets are deducted from RAC because they are illiquid or the receipt is either out of the firm’s control or contingent.
Line 3 – Non-current liabilities are added back to RAC as they are not current obligations of the firm and can be used as financing.
(Current year/month) C$
(Previous year/month) C$
Comprehensive income represents changes in equity during a period, including profit and loss for the period and other comprehensive income (OCI). OCI captures certain gains and losses outside of net income. For regulatory financial reporting, there are two acceptable sources of other comprehensive income (OCI):
Report all gross commission revenue earned in the appropriate lines.
Report all other revenue earned on a gross basis.
Commission paid to salespersons must be reported on line 14 (Expenses – Variable compensation)
Payouts to other parties must be reported on line 15 (Expenses – Commissions and fees paid to third parties).
Include all gross commissions and trailer fees earned on mutual fund transactions.
Include all interest revenue. Interest revenue earned by the Member from holding client cash balances should be reported on this line.
The related interest cost paid to clients should be reported on line 18 (Expenses – Financing costs).
Include portfolio service fees, RRSP fees and any charges to clients that are not related to commissions or interest.
Include fund management fees and consulting fees charged to parties other than clients.
Include all fees earned as a result of referring clients to another entity for products or services.
Include all trading profits or losses from principal trading activities and adjustment of marketable securities to market value.
Include foreign exchange profits or losses and all other revenue not reported above.
Include commissions, bonuses and other variable compensation of a contractual nature. Examples would encompass commission payouts to salespersons. All contractual bonuses should be accrued monthly. Discretionary bonuses should be reported separately on line 26 (Expenses – Bonuses).
Include payouts to other parties.
Include all interest on external subordinated debt, as well as non-discretionary contractual interest on internal subordinated debt.
Include the interest cost paid to clients.
Include all operating expenses except those mentioned elsewhere.
Unusual items result from transactions or events that are not expected to occur frequently over several years, or do not typify normal business activities.
Discontinued operations, such as a branch closure, should be reported separately on line 21 (Profit (loss) for the year from discontinued operations).
A discontinued operation is a business component that has either been disposed or is classified as held for sale and represents (or is part of a plan to dispose) a separate significant line of business or geographical area of operations. For example, a branch closure. The profit (loss) on discontinued operations for the year is on a pre-tax basis. The tax component is to be included as part of the income tax expense (recover) on Statement D line 28.
This is the profit (loss) number used for the Early Warning profitability tests.
When a Member uses the revaluation model for its PPE and intangible assets, changes to the fair value may result in recognizing income after considering accumulated depreciation (or amortization) and OCI surplus.
When a Member uses the revaluation model for its PPE and intangible assets, changes to the fair value may result in recognizing expense after considering accumulated depreciation (or amortization) and OCI surplus.
Include interest expense on subordinated debt with related parties for which the interest charges can be waived if required.
This category should include discretionary bonuses and all bonuses to shareholders in accordance with share ownership. These bonuses are in contrast to those reported on Line 14 (Expenses – Variable compensation).
Includes only income taxes. Realty and capital taxes should be included on line 19 (Expenses – Operating expenses). Also include the tax component relating to the profit (loss) on discontinued operations for the year.
When a Member uses the revaluation model to re-measure its PPE and intangible assets, changes to fair value may result in a change to shareholders’ equity after considering accumulated depreciation (amortization) and income or expense from asset revaluation.
When a Member has a defined benefit pension plan and initially adopts a policy of recognizing actuarial gains and losses in full in OCI, the subsequent adjustments must be recognized in OCI.
Share capital or Partnership capital [a] C$
Share premium [b] C$
Issued capital [c]=[a]+[b] C$
Beginning balance
Increases (decreases) during the period [provide details]
Ending balance
General [a] C$
Properties revaluation [b] C$
Employee benefits [c] C$
Total reserves [d]=[a]+[b]+[c] C$
Changes during the period
(a) Other comprehensive income for the period – properties revaluation (From D 30)
(b) Other comprehensive income for the period – actuarial gain (loss) on defined benefit pension plans (From D 31)
(c) Recognition of share-based payments (From D 19)
(d) Transfer from/to retained earnings (From/to E 12)
(e) Other [provide details]
Retained earnings (current year/month) C$
Retained earnings (previous year/month) C$
Effect of change in accounting policy [provide details]
As restated
Payment of dividends or partners drawings
Profit or loss for the period (From D 29)
Other direct charges or credits to retained earnings [provide details]
When the Member sells its shares (initial issuance or from treasury), share premium is the excess amount received by the Member over the par value (or nominal value) of its shares. Share premium cannot be used to pay out dividends.
A Member may want to transfer from retained earnings. The creation of a general reserve gives the Member an added measure of protection.
When a Member has a defined benefit pension plan and initially adopts a policy of recognizing actuarial gains and losses in full in other comprehensive income (OCI), all subsequent adjustments must be recognized as other comprehensive income and will be accumulated in a reserve account.
When a Member has stock option or share awards granted to its employees by issuing new shares, the Member recognizes the fair value of the option or new shares granted as an expense with a corresponding increase in the reserve account.
When using the revaluation model for certain non-allowable assets (PPE and intangibles), a Member will account for the initial increase in value as other comprehensive income and will accumulate the increase (and subsequent changes) in a revaluation reserve account.
A change in accounting policy in the current year requires retroactive adjustment of the prior year’s retained earnings.
The beginning balance of the current period must be the ending balance of the prior period.
Balance at last period-end
Increases during period [give name of lender and date of increase]
Decreases during period
[give name of lender and date of decrease]
Present subordinated loans
Enter Notes to Form 1 Financial Statements here…
To: The Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (the Corporation) and the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation
We have performed the following procedures in connection with the regulatory requirements for to maintain minimum insurance and segregate client cash and securities as outlined in the By-laws, Rules, and Policies of the Corporation. Compliance with the Corporation By-laws, Rules, and Policies with respect to insurance and the segregation of client cash and securities is the responsibility of the management of the Member firm. Our responsibility is to perform the procedures requested by you.
These procedures do not constitute an audit and therefore we express no opinion on the adequacy of the Member firm’s insurance coverage, segregation of client cash and securities, or its internal control policies and procedures.
This report is for use solely by the Corporation and the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation to assist in their assessment of the Member firm’s compliance with the requirements regarding maintaining minimum insurance and segregating client cash and securities as outlined in the Bylaws, Rules and Policies of the Corporation and not for any other purpose.
Market Value
Long C$
Short C$
Margin required C$
Money market
Accrued interest
Money market mutual funds
Mutual funds (other than money market mutual funds)
Accrued interest on convertible debentures
Other [provide details]
Line 1 – Money market shall include Canadian & US Treasury Bills, Bankers Acceptances, Bank paper (Domestic & Foreign), Municipal and Commercial Paper or other similar instruments.
Advanced Redemption Proceeds Receivable [a] C$
Other Client Receivables [b] C$
Client Debit Balances [c]=[a]+[b] C$
Non–registered accounts
RRSP and other registered accounts
The name of the RRSP trustee(s) used by the Member must be provided. The RRSP or other similar balances held at a trustee must be insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) or Quebec Deposit Insurance Corporation (QDIC).
Balance payable (recoverable) at last period-end
(a) Payments (made) or received relating to above balance
(b) Adjustments, including reassessments, relating to prior periods [provide details if significant]
Total adjustment to prior periods’ payable (recoverable) taxes during current period
Subtotal [add or subtract line 3 from line 1]
Income tax expense (recovery)
less: Current installments
Other adjustments [provide details if significant]
Total adjustment for current year’s tax liabilities (assets)
TOTAL LIABILITY (ASSET) [add or subtract line 8 from line 4]
Greater of (a) and (b) above
The actual coverage required for each clause is the greater of (a)and (b) above to a maximum requirement of $25,000,000.
Greater of (a), (b) and (c) above
The actual coverage required for each clause is the greater of (a), (b) and (c) above to a maximum requirement of $25,000,000.
Date of Loss
Date of Discovery
Amount of Loss
Deductible Applying to Loss
Claim Made?
Date Settled
For Financial Institution Bond policies containing an “aggregate limit” coverage, the actual coverage maintained should be reduced by the amount of reported loss claims, if any, during the policy period.
Cash and securities held by a Member in its capacity as agent for the trustee must be included in the determination of total client cash and securities held by the Member.
Losses should continue to be reported on Schedule 4 Part D until resolved. In the reporting period where a claim has been settled or a decision has been made not to pursue a claim, the loss should be listed along with the amount of the settlement, if any.
At the annual audit date, list all unsettled claims, whether or not the claims were initiated in the period under audit. In addition, list all losses and claims identified in the current or previous periods that have been settled during the period under audit.
A. CAPITAL DEFICIENCY B-18 Is RAC less than 0?
B. LIQUIDITY TEST C-4 Is Early Warning Excess less than 0?
1. Loss for current quarter
B-18 2. RAC [at questionnaire date]
Is line 2 less than line 1?
Has the Member triggered Early Warning more than 2 times in the past 12 months?
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